Wednesday 30 March 2011

Custom Crayons

I have been a fan of crayons ever since I was old enough to hold one. As a child, there was nothing more exciting than a fresh, new box - all those pretty waxy sticks neatly lined up in their colourful rows.
I still love crayons to this day,Eva and Bianca do too. They are great favors to give out at children's parties. Sure, everyone probably already has crayons, but I don't think you can ever really have enough. But sometimes, the bright colours of crayons just don't "go" with an event's decor. So, I often dress mine up a bit to make my own "custom" crayons...
This is the simplest project and lots of fun to do with the kid. All you need is crayons, a scissors (or paper trimmer), some pretty scrapbook paper and some invisible (Magic) tape. Just cut your paper into rectangles that are slightly longer than the crayon wrappers. You don't even need to remove the wrappers. Just tape one edge of the paper rectangle directly onto the paper wrapper, wrap the scrapbook paper tightly around the crayon (overlapping it slightly), and neatly secure it with tape.
Bundle up a small bunch of crayons and tie them with some pretty ribbon.
These make a lovely addition to a goody bag, would look adorable in an Easter basket, and are a great favor to place on children's tables at weddings and holidays.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Bianca's New Best Friend

My youngest daughter Bianca has her first best friend.  It's not that she's spent the last four years in solitary confinement, just that up until now I have always chosen her friends for her.  (My husband points out this trait of mine is not solely directed at the children). 
When your babies are tiny they play with the off-spring of your own friends.   At toddler groups and music classes you instinctively gravitate towards mothers with whom you feel you have a common bond. Regardless of how your children interact, if you become firm friends then by Jove your children will too. 

"Isn't it sweet how they play together?"  you exclaim, as little Bianca totally ignores little Maggie.
"So very sweet.  I wonder if they'll be friends forever...  More cake?"

Bianca has spoken of little other than her new best friend since term started, so I was determined to encourage this fledgling friendship. I set off the other day to collect her from nursery school, and with thoughts of inviting Bianca's new friend to a play date.  I stood for a while at the window, watching the children play, and identified some possible contenders.  Perhaps the small shy looking child with the pretty pink dress and the attractive father?  Or the pretty curly-haired girl whose mother runs the childrens clothing store? 

As I got to the door Bianca bounced up to me and introduced me to her "bestest friend", a snub-nosed stocky child twice her size.  Widthways.  I knelt down and flashed her a winning smile, only to be rewarded with stony silence. 

I stood up to greet her mother, thinking perhaps we should arrange a play-date for half term.  She was a carbon copy of her daughter, with a face that could curdle milk. 

"Hello!"  I said, brightly.  "I gather our children have become good friends." 

She gave a sort of grunt and looked me up and down, slowly and without embarrassment.  I had a sneaking suspicion she was not about to suggest a mummy date. Whilst Bianca and her little friend will undoubtedly continue their relationship for at least another fortnight, I fear her mother and I are unlikely to be found chatting over a latte at the shopping mall. 

Sunday 27 March 2011

Bee Biscuits

Baking with Eva and Bianca is not only fun but it can also provide the perfect opportunity for some incidental learning to occur.There’s only one thing wrong with cookies you make at home: they disappear too fast! It’s a good job they’re simple and quick to make.
You are probably wondering if I am "two pancakes short of a stack" for advocating you to join your children in the kitchen. All you probably see is the mess that they will make.
But baking with kids can be one of the best experiences you will ever share with your children. Creating lifelong memories of the luscious baked goods you have prepared as a "team"!

Saturday 26 March 2011

Pretty Parties!

The daughter of a very good friend of mine is having a Hawaiian-themed birthday party next month and Eva, Bianca and I wanted to make her something special. So, I came up with the idea of making a paper lei. The little girl's favorite colour is pink, so I knew the typical bright, Hawaiian colour palette wouldn't work, so I decided to use some pretty pastels instead. I found all the supplies I needed at Hobby Craft. I started with these beaded bracelets that I found in a Pond Shop.
After we finished painting the beads, we cut them off the strings and allowed them to dry. Next, I cut out a bunch of paper flowers using some paper punches and some pretty scrapbook paper that I also found at Hobby Cratf.
Ideally, I wanted to use two-sided paper or card stock for these flowers (to give them some more stability), but I really wanted to use this paper, so I just glued two flower shapes back to back.
Next, with Eva's help we punched some holes in the middle of the paper flowers.I just alternated the flowers and the beads, but you could make any pattern you want. Next time, I think I'll vary the size and shape of the flowers for added visual interest.That's it!

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Our Easter Tree

Decorating our Easter tree is another festive holiday custom that Eva, Bianca and I love! Decorating Easter trees is a custom that traces its roots back to Germany. The traditional "trees" were branches in a vase hung with brightly coloured eggs. Today many homes hang the painted or dyed Easter Eggs and other decorations on tree branches in their living rooms to add a colourful touch and festive spirit to their homes.