Monday 12 January 2009

I am angry and it's okay.

Learning to accept and understand feelings is a big part of growing up. Anger is a feeling everyone knows, and it has an important function: it helps us take responsibility for ourselves and tackle tasks-in short, it gives us courage. People who suppress anger are living unhealthily. Sooner or later, suppressed anger will emerge as a stomach ache, a headache, or as fear. Every child feels fear sometimes and that is okay. But whereas men are expected not to show their fear, women - especially little girls - are allowed to.

Could excessive fear in girls be connected to overprotective caring they might receive from parents? If we allow our little girls to have quite normal experiences, which include accidents like falling over, will they learn to deal with such mishaps as a matter of course. Do we as parents often encourage our girls to give up, because we regard certain things as too dangerous, or unsuitable, for girls. We must remember that children may be even more likely to have accidents if we constantly protect them from experience. For example, a child must learn how to fall over in order to learn how to stop herself falling over.