Thursday 21 July 2011

Thank You!

To Bianca's Teachers, Staff and Members of Rocking Horse Nursery.

I want to go on record as giving profound thanks to the wonderful staff at Rocking Horse Nursery. I know some of you read my blog. You know who you are.
I know I have thanked you countless times for what you give to Bianca and also to us, but “Thank you!” seems so inadequate at times. Bianca has not only learned how to learn (and enjoy doing it), but far above and beyond—about how the world works and its people. How to give and share and do it with purpose and joy.
I want to thank you all for your passion for teaching and for focusing on the whole child. You challenge her and help her discover what her capabilities are. You teach her how to think “outside the box” and look for solutions, and how to collaborate with other little people. How to do what needs doing, and with pleasure. How to sing and dance and do the Locomotion.

I also want to thank you for embracing and supporting us as we have become us—you’ve seen us grow into our family—and find our parenting rhythm. You've always been patient and kind. Even when I've rushed into the Nursery school 45 minutes before the end of the day to fetch Bianca when I genuinely thought I was 45 minutes late.

The African proverb said it well, “It takes a village.” It does indeed and I’m thrilled that you are part of my daughters and our village.

So, once again, from one grateful mum,

Thank you!

Wednesday 13 July 2011

C is for Colour!

In a previous post I talked about surrounding yourself with passionate people. I talked about finding small businesses who are doing extraordinary things. Looking for artists and writers, for people who are obsessed with doing something really well. One of the mums at Eva's school handed me a book today and said it was a gift for my birthday. I was thrilled. It was only when I got home however, that I realised it was a signed copy of a book she herself had written. Wow, Anna! I'm so impressed. What an extraordinary woman you are, I am so inspired. I can not wait to go for coffee. Thank you for my book *(^_^)* I love it!
